In simple terms the swallowing mechanism is disturbed, as a result milk can accidentally enter the wind pipe causing repeated chest infections, the best way to prevent this is by feeding in sitting position and feeding in small portions just enough for the baby to swallow easily at one time.
Second issue with feeding is that these children tend to swallow a lot of air, this limits the amount of feed they can accept. Frequent burping by resting the child’s head on mothers shoulder and patting the back in between and after the feed is essential.
Mother’s milk is the best feed for the new born, in cases where the amounts are not sufficient cow or buffalo milk can be added or one of the formula feeds available in the market can be added (consult a child specialist). We do not need to dilute cows/buffalo milk before feeding. While preparing formula feed one needs to follow the instructions carefully. All utensils used for feeding should be boiled in water before use and one should wash hands before feeding the child.
Though direct breast feeding is encouraged to have mother child bonding many unit like ours consider it essential to limit postoperative feeds to be given only by spoon, we thus encourage that at least some part of the feed be given by spoon so that it’s easy for the child adopt to spoon feeding when operated upon.
Smile Train has produced an instructional video which is very informative, this video is available at its website